Re-Define - with Ingvild

Welcome to my Redefine podcast, or should I call it Re-Divine? In this space I share with you insights, experiences and the gold I find through the joy and the struggles of my journey. Inspired to Redefine what we think we understand. To connect knowledge and experience, spirituality and humanness. Always with the intention to place deep wisdom into the right context so we can integrate their value and allow us to expand perspectives. Can you still follow? Most important when you decide to listen: All the words I share come through my unique perspective on life. Shaped by my biography, my cultural up bringing, the teachers I choose, my experiences, my nerdy excitement to study and test out the deep philosophies about Life, cutting egde scientific statements, my personal expanding spiritual embodiment and so on. That perspective is living and evolving. Never at any point will I state that my view on things are the (only) truth. And I will always, AWAYS wholeheartedly invite you to notice what resonates with you AND what triggers you. And how both can help you find expanded perspectives on your own life journey and your own being with Love Ingvild Also find my on instagram: @ingvild.molenaar

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Friday May 10, 2024

When it comes to Kundalini Activations/ Energetic Activations, what is the role of a facilitator?
Do you need a facilitator or can you activate yourself? What are all those hand movements about? (In Ing-words nicknamed 'hand-flapping' 😉)
Let's go deeper into this subject, de-mystify and put the (beautiful) work into some more context.
Let's un-pack, explore and (re-)define the Space Holders work.
Obviously there is a lot more to say about this subject than I address in this talk. And any words I give to it are metaphors and attempts to give words to what is beyond words.But let's see it as a start of a conversation and a start of diving deeper into understanding this work.
If you want to experience Kundalini Activations or learn more about working with Ingvild please check out:
And find Ingvild on INSTAGRAM

Friday Jan 26, 2024

Welcome to this very first episode of my Podcast: ReDefine.
No fancy intro or outro.
Just an in-depth, unfiltered, open conversation between me and my fiancé, Daniel Kluken about KAP; Kundalini Activation Process. About what it is and how it changed and enriched our lives. Aswell as what it means to be in a relationship while going through the deeply transforming processes of activation and awakening.
Read more about my work and join a KAP session, a retreat or do a private session with me via:
www.ingvildmolenaar.comOr follow me on INSTAGRAMX
Ingvild Molenaar


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